Nov 03, 2022
Earlier this year in the early summer I was commissioned to photograph a series of images for Bolsius professional range of candles which are what you'd often see in bars, restaurants & the like.

This was a great commission to be asked to do, the shoot was all done on location in a beer garden in a pub in Leeds which we hired for the shoot but completely…
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Tags: #product, #photographer, #Leeds, #York, #Yorkshire, #Harrogate, #Wetherby, Candle, shoot, #productshoot, #productshot, product photographer Leeds, Product Photography, Product, location, Location & Interiors Photography, local leeds photographer, location shoot, local, #localphotographer, #uselocal, local photographer, candles
Sep 29, 2022
As one of the main areas of my work, product photography covers a huge range of subjects.
The backbone of our economy here in the UK is small business, and just like the big brands they all need photography & visual content to communicate their product, ideas, & values to us, the audience.
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Tags: #photographer, #photography, #commercial, #Yorkshire, #Leeds, #food, #product, #bamboo, #cutouts, #white, #background, #online, #amazon, #people, #places, #business, #website, #promote, #promotion, #local, #localphotographer, #productshoot, #productshots, #studioshoot, #studiophotographer, #businessphotographer, #studio, #businessphoto, #productshot, #photoshoot, #Roundhay, #Oakwood, #York, #Wetherby, #Harrogate
Jul 11, 2022
Hitting the sweet spot with new product photography
I’ve been working with the great team at Nestle on a range of projects and here are just two of the recent shoots.
Rolo mousse and little rolo have been in front of the lens with a specific theme for both product images.
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Tags: rolo, mousse, little, studio, studio shoot, studiophotographer, studiophotography, Product, Product photographer, productshoot, productshots, Product Photography, Food Photo, Food photographer, Food Photography, foodies, food shoot, commercial photographer, commercial, photography, photographer, localphotographer, onlinephotography, businessphoto, Leeds, Leeds photographer, Food photographer Leeds, product photographer Leeds, studio photographer Leeds, commercial photographer Leeds
Apr 20, 2022

If you run a retail or product based business, you need to communicate effectively, efficiently and in a lot on online situations, quickly.
Using some simple steps to your businesses marketing and advertising can reap great rewards.
Professional photographers use the experience gained…
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Tags: #commercial, #photographer, Leeds, product, Product Photography, Product photographer, West Yorkshire, #York, #Harrogate, studio, Shoot, #food, jewellery, shots, online, pack, packshot, cutout, marketing, business
Jan 07, 2022

As more and more new businesses are created more & more visual content is required.
At the beginning of 2021 there were over 5.5 million small businesses with the vast majority having 0-49 employees.
Small business, just like the big brands all need photography & visual content to communicate their product,…
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Tags: #photographer, #foodphotography, #photography, #commercial, #Yorkshire, #Leeds, #food, #product, people, places, #interior, #business, website, jewellery, Jewellery Photography, #local, #localphotographer, #productshoot, productshots, jewelleryshoot, #York, #Harrogate, #wetherby
Nov 03, 2021

With a focus on climate change being large in view currently one of the simple ways I think we can all help to is to buy & shop local.
Its an instant benefit to everyone concerned, its not a 5, 10 or 20 year target, its happening right now.
When you buy local the ripple effect is immense, I’m sure we all know this but if you…
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Tags: #photographer, #local, #Leeds, #York, #Harrogate, #Yorkshire, #buylocal, #uselocal, #shoplocal, #commercial, #product, #food, #interior, #lighting, #office
Sep 15, 2021

Does your business need new interior or exterior photography?
Regardless of the type of business, it will always need a strong visual presence.
Your clients, customers & visitors to your place of work or shop, restaurant etc.. may initially seek your services online but soon…
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Tags: photographer, Leeds, Photography, location, location shoot, Location & Interiors Photography, interiors, interior, Professional, commercial, onsite, airbnb, Restaurant, retail, shop, office, offices, website, photoshoot
Jul 08, 2021
I took this image of the cognac bottle as a way of showing, that with even a simple approach to a studio lighting set up, a great commercial studio image can be created.
In the video you can see how I set up the bottle on the oiled black tiles, with the hard light shining through from the back it creates a lovely reflection and drama to the surface that the bottle is sitting on.
Then with…
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Tags: studio, shoot, behind, the, scenes, explainer, shot, product, Product photographer, productshoot, video, Photography tutor, online, course, photography, photoshop, how, to, do, cognac, advertising, Leeds, Yorkshire, localphotographer
Jun 23, 2021

With over 26 years experience as a commercial photographer, I have experience in commercial photography, food photography, still life photography, Jewellery photography, packshot photography, studio, and location photography & photography for the property industry.
Searching for a photographer who can deliver the images or pictures…
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Tags: #localphotographer, #photographer, Leeds, #studio, location, location shoot, #photography, #foodphotographer, #productshoot, #foodphotography, Food Photo, #studiophotographer, Leeds photographer, commercial photography, commercial shoot, Creative Photography, Jewellery Photography, Location & Interiors Photography, People photographer, #Yorkshire, York, Wetherby, Harrogate, West Yorkshire, #business, #studiobusiness, business photographer, corporate, headshot, profile photo, profile shoot, profile shots, ceo magazine, foodies, foodshoot
May 05, 2021

Do you want to improve your photography skills, love the idea of learning more about what it takes to create better pictures but don’t know how to get there?
Would you like to access a personal tutoring service with dedicated step by step photography projects…
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Tags: Phillip, Shannon, Photography, Tutor, introduction, online course, online learning, online teaching, learn online, online tutor, online photocourse, online photography course, learn online photography, course, photographer, tutoring, learning, experience, experienced, teach, teaching, lesson, project, image, feedback, Tutors, Tutoring, Tuition, Tutoring Services, Education, Education Services, Private Tutors, Photography tutor, photography teach, photography teaching, lessons, projects, camera, camera learning, teaching photography, at home learning, home learning, teach yourself