How the internet is changing the way we shop

Product photography examples from professional photographer Leeds

The title to this post is not going to be a great shock to anyone, I know, but I wanted to write something as it is not only affecting our day to day personal shopping habits, but also in the photography I’m carrying out for my clients.

New Property Photography shoots

airbnb rental interior

Recently I have been asked to shoot a variety of projects for people looking to raise their visual game & that of the photography that they use to promote their rental properties online.

These projects cover a range of purposes, one was a newly refurbished house which was done to a high standard throughout the whole building,…

New Product Photography shoot

A recent product photography brief was carried out for a client requiring new product images of a brand new microphone conferencing system.

We carried out a range of new images to show buyers the extensive range & functionality of the products on offer for website uses, printed marketing material and for a forthcoming exhibition in Europe.

One of the challenges of this project was to carry out a 360 degree showcase for 2 of the microphones. This involved taking 72 separate…

Using locations to sell your products.

Lamp product in location

As a commercial photographer I am often found in the studio working with a large box or boxes of product for a client. This is a tried & tested formula which creates consistent results for the client in that it provides them with a series of standardised images which when presented online or in a catalogue, form a natural…

The power of commercial photography.

Bracelet photographyPart of a commercial photographers job is to help business owners in the promotion of their products and services.

This simple but extremely effective method of promotion is one which has stood the test of time.

Think about how many times as a consumer you have been swayed to buy something, or find out more…

Professional Photographer Leeds: Portfolio updates

Food Photography

The variety of work which I have been doing over the last few months has been really excellent. I’ve met some great new clients and been involved with a lot of exciting and interesting photography projects.

They include Food photography for lifestyle uses & recipes pages online. Also cut out shots of food products…

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