Do you want to improve your photography skills, love the idea of learning more about what it takes to create better pictures but don’t know how to get there?
Would you like to access a personal tutoring service with dedicated step by step photography projects from a professional photographer with over 25 years commercial experience & BIPP Associate qualified?
Welcome to “Photography Tutor” by Phillip Shannon Photography
I am very pleased to announce after many weeks in development that my new photography tutor program has launched.
In fact pre-launch I have already had lots of interest & people are already signing up for this bespoke service.
Each of the courses levels 1 to 3 are split into 6 projects each and lets you explore a different aspect of photography so that you can challenge yourself each time to advance your skills.
The tutor programs unique point is that I will provide feedback on every project you complete via email. This will explore the image you have created, answer any questions you have about the image making process so that you can progress to the next shoot with practical tips from an experienced commercial photographer.
For the level 1 course there are helpful guides, that show easily some of the more technical details of photography. They are also freely available to anyone on every course you follow.
As a subject photography can be a bit technical at times, but I will deliver this to you in a way which is practical and easy to follow. This is not going to be a science lesson, but a practical exciting course which will let you create interesting and memorable images.
For absolute beginners, Level 1, I will take you through the step by step process to learn about photography and your camera. I will use a DSLR to show my learning. How best to operate it, getting you off the automatic settings & onto full manual controls. How to process the images you create that you will cherish for many years to come.
For Intermediates, Level 2, we build upon the initial courses in level 1 with an increased focus on challenging your skill base in using aperture, shutter speed, ISO and begin to integrate flash and other artificial light sources to your photographic images . These projects will also ask you to produce images which make you think about more aspects of photographic technique, skill and story telling.
For Level 3, the projects become more challenging and build upon the knowledge gained either via your completion of the first two levels ( or simply by arriving at the level of course due to your own skill.) These projects expect you to have mastered basics such as aperture and shutter speed, ISO, know about the different aspects of focal length and lenses and are showing skill in using the aperture and shutter speeds to much more creative effect. Post production editing using software such as Photoshop will also be expected.
Your story telling skills in photographic form are becoming much more developed and a your photographic style will begin to shine through.
Take a look here: Photography Tutor